DVD Series with Manual


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Third Option International, an award winning Marriage Program that has been helping couples since 1988, is pleased to announce the release of a NEW DVD SERIES that couples can now view in the comfort and privacy of their own home. The Third Option is a skills- based program that helps people build strong and healthy marriages. It is designed to create awareness and a desire for self change in both spouses. The 14-Session Cycle covers a comprehensive set of tools that couples can use to develop better understanding, sensitivity and trust while learning more effective speaking and listening skills.

Newly appointed Director, Andrea Buckley, believes that this NEW DVD SERIES will be able to help more couples heal and grow in their marriages and ultimately will keep more families together.  Andrea strongly recommends finding a local Third Option Group in your area is the best way to FULLY experience the program due to the powerful influence of peer Mentor Couples who help deliver the program through sharing of their experiences and growth!


14 Session Topics

  • Building a Climate of Respect
  • Ending the Blame Game
  • Understanding Expectations
  • Redefining the Power Struggle
  • Coping With Control Issues
  • Listening Beyond the Words
  • Appreciating Personality Differences
  • Recognizing Childhood Issues and Emotional Baggage
  • Handling Anger Constructively
  • Speaking the Truth in Love
  • Learning How to Fight Fair
  • Breaking the Hurt Cycle
  • Practicing Forgiveness and Repair
  • Rebuilding Trust


What does the Manual contain?


The manual is your COMPLETE KIT. Everything you need is in there. It contains all the scripts and handouts as well as instructions for creating the program and training mentor couples. It is self-explanatory and self-contained. There are no expensive training requirements, no hidden or on-going purchasing costs, franchising dues, etc.

While the program is sometimes led by counselors, it is not necessary. It is designed to be led by peers. To make it easier for peers to run the groups, THERE IS ALSO A DVD-BASED VERSION AVAILABLE. However, the DVD’s are not necessary to run the program.

Part l has philosophy, agency assessment, information on locating/ screening/ training “sharing couples”, tips for facilitators, etc.
Part II contains complete scripts of the fourteen mini-workshops.
Part III includes three appendices of support materials: worksheets, brochure and orientation booklet masters. DVD’s are available for the workshops as a SUPPLEMENTAL resource for training and/or group use for those who wish.

If you would like to purchase the music from the DVD please go to www.SeanClive.com

Please allow 8 to 10 weeks for your order to ship.